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Bulky powersuit, industrial details, intricately gritty, corrosion, shiney, abandoned ruins, complex surfaces, moody, insane mechanized components, parallax occlusion, complexity, natural colors, silver, gold, copper, brass, chrome, dark shadows, cinematically atmospheric, specular lighting, steam powered
Eugen's avatar


Bulky powersuit, industrial details, intricately gritty, corrosion, shiney, abandoned ruins, complex surfaces, moody, insane mechanized components, parallax occlusion, complexity, natural colors, silver, gold, copper, brass, chrome, dark shadows, cinematically atmospheric, specular lighting, steam powered

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A digital panel with bold, futuristic typography that reads "IDEOGRAM IS ON REMIX", set against a dynamic background of glitching code snippets and neon lights, creating a cyberpunk aesthetic reminiscent of a high-tech hacking scene in a sci-fi movie.

A multiple exposure photography scene capturing a figure practicing karate. The image shows several layers of the martial artist in different stages of a flowing karate move, blending together with blurred transitions. Each layer highlights different points in the movement, from the stance to the punch or kick, creating a sense of fluidity, control, and power. The overlapping layers give the composition a dynamic and abstract quality, emphasizing the energy and discipline of the karate practice.

Child's crayon drawing, a a girl in a red dress, white socks and red shoes riding on a rainbow, blue sky, summer, below the rainbow a boundless field of summer meadow, childish, heavy outlines, 16 count crayon set, white paper, amateur, no perspective, immature artist, preschool artwork, badly proportioned, extremely heavy outlines, crooked rough lines, in the style of a toddler, simple geometric shapes, primitive variation on Charles Schultz