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A stunning, ethereal beauty with a sparkling platinum blonde Bob cut, radiating with an otherworldly aura. Her enchanting smile lights up the frame as she lovingly cradles a trio of adorable kittens in her arms. The image captures a moment of exotic realism, blending the boundaries of reality and fantasy. Enhanced with the subtle airbrushed essence of anime, the woman strikes a beautiful pose, exuding confidence and grace in her jeans. Prepare to be captivated by this mesmerizing masterpiece.
Dinocoty's avatar


A stunning, ethereal beauty with a sparkling platinum blonde Bob cut, radiating with an otherworldly aura. Her enchanting smile lights up the frame as she lovingly cradles a trio of adorable kittens in her arms. The image captures a moment of exotic realism, blending the boundaries of reality and fantasy. Enhanced with the subtle airbrushed essence of anime, the woman strikes a beautiful pose, exuding confidence and grace in her jeans. Prepare to be captivated by this mesmerizing masterpiece.

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Child's crayon drawing, a stick figure girl in front of a school, single brown and green tree, blue sky, empty/white gap between the sky and the ground, childish, heavy outlines, 16 count crayon set, white paper, amateur, no perspective, immature artist, preschool artwork, badly proportioned, extremely heavy outlines, crooked rough lines, in the style of a toddler, simple geometric shapes

Create a mixed eclectic Witch and her fluffy magical owl in stunning prismatic color. She wears a magical hat and a majestic futuristic bohemian gown surrounded in lights, in the style of sculptural reliefs. Traditional photographic techniques, porcelain, patterned, Kusama infinity nets, installation materials, at sunrise with an otherworldly atmospheric vibe.

A stunning young woman with voluminous curly hair, wearing a long red dress sitting on a quaint porch bathed in golden morning light. She delicately holds a steaming cup of coffee, her serene expression reflecting the peaceful start to her day. A charming wallpaper behind her reads "Good morning", adding a touch of coziness to the scene. The composition captures a moment of tranquil beauty and warmth. 3 d. Pixar