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6 Remixes

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cinematic, epic realism,8K, highly detailed, surrealist style, fantastical, magical, unexpected, super detail, dreamy lo-fi photography, colorfula dry leaf in the shap of a dancer falls delicately into a puddle of water creating a slight wave cinematic, epic realism,8K, highly detaileda dry leaf in the shap of a dancer falls delicately into a puddle of water creating a slight wave cinematic, epic realism,8K, highly detaileda dry leaf in the shap of a dancer falls delicately into a puddle of water creating a slight wave cinematic, epic realism,8K, highly detaileda dry leaf in the shap of a dancer falls delicately into a puddle of water creating a slight wave cinematic, epic realism,8K, highly detaileda dry leaf in the shap of a dancer falls delicately into a puddle of water creating a slight wave cinematic, epic realism,8K, highly detailed

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Another add 1 one only challenge Create soft red tones, textured fabric, intricate eye patch, surreal fashion, avant-garde, surreal body modification, shimmering, calm expression, modern couture, mystical appearance, patchwork, middle ground, high contrast, surreal, exaggerated features, cartoon-like, stone wall texture, shadow play, whimsical, satirical, urban street, vintage aesthetic, surrealism, elongated nose, minimalist setting, eerie Let's see what you come with 😁

A digital panel with bold, futuristic typography that reads "IDEOGRAM IS ON REMIX", set against a dynamic background of glitching code snippets and neon lights, creating a cyberpunk aesthetic reminiscent of a high-tech hacking scene in a sci-fi movie.

Child's crayon drawing, a stick figure girl in front of a school, single brown and green tree, blue sky, empty/white gap between the sky and the ground, childish, heavy outlines, 16 count crayon set, white paper, amateur, no perspective, immature artist, preschool artwork, badly proportioned, extremely heavy outlines, crooked rough lines, in the style of a toddler, simple geometric shapes