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Child's crayon drawing, a a girl in a red dress, white socks and red shoes riding on a rainbow, blue sky, summer, below the rainbow a boundless field of summer meadow, childish, heavy outlines, 16 count crayon set, white paper, amateur, no perspective, immature artist, preschool artwork, badly proportioned, extremely heavy outlines, crooked rough lines, in the style of a toddler, simple geometric shapes, primitive variation on Charles Schultz
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Child's crayon drawing, a a girl in a red dress, white socks and red shoes riding on a rainbow, blue sky, summer, below the rainbow a boundless field of summer meadow, childish, heavy outlines, 16 count crayon set, white paper, amateur, no perspective, immature artist, preschool artwork, badly proportioned, extremely heavy outlines, crooked rough lines, in the style of a toddler, simple geometric shapes, primitive variation on Charles Schultz

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