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Foggy road obscured by eerie, semi-transparent silhouettes of deconstructed leathery figures with horrific unnatural movements, evoking an unsettling sense of the uncanny in the digital painting, where the dampened, ghostly colors shift with the bizarre, deconstructivist patterns of the fog, obscuring the details of the withered, half-formed road and its surroundings in an unsettling manner.
DUGums's avatar


Foggy road obscured by eerie, semi-transparent silhouettes of deconstructed leathery figures with horrific unnatural movements, evoking an unsettling sense of the uncanny in the digital painting, where the dampened, ghostly colors shift with the bizarre, deconstructivist patterns of the fog, obscuring the details of the withered, half-formed road and its surroundings in an unsettling manner.

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