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A whimsical crayon drawing by a child, depicting a playful spy cat scene. The main character is a large, fluffy black cat wearing a comically oversized navy-blue suit jacket and a red bow tie, standing on its hind legs. The cat holds a banana in its paw, pretending it's a gun. Its whiskers are exaggerated, and it has a mischievous grin. 

Behind the cat, wobbly, colorful numbers spell out "007" in various bright crayon colors - red, blue, yellow, and green. The '7' is drawn to look like a curvy slide. The background features squiggly crayon lines representing snow, with stick-figure pine trees scattered around.In the foreground, smaller cats wearing tiny bow ties of different colors (pink, purple, orange) are playing in the "snow". One is making a snow angel, another is rolling a small snowball, and a third is peeking out from behind a crudely drawn snowman with a carrot nose and stick arms.
The sky is a cheerful crayon blue with a big yellow sun in the corner, complete with extending rays. Childish scribbles of white clouds float in the sky. The entire scene is drawn with thick, waxy crayon lines, with some areas colored outside the lines for an authentic child-like feel.The overall composition is busy and joyful, maintaining the spy theme but transforming it into a cat-centric, childish fantasy world.
Shoji's avatar


Thanks for the great prompt @AI_Kadabra @category0 #dailyremix

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