A whimsical 3D cartoon animation in Pixar style unfolds featuring a child robot drummer. This metallic, silver and black components character exudes an angelic aura with luminous wings, large, round green and neon blue eye rings and black retinas. Seated behind a futuristic drum set with red, neon blue, and silver components, the vibrant neon lights below illuminate the stage. Observe the robot's hands as they deftly wield silver and neon purple drumsticks, delicately striking the colorful drums. The modern and lively concert setting is adorned with a futuristic music studio filled with glowing, computerized musical equipment. Adorning the walls are art deco paintings portraying robotic guitarists and singers, infusing depth into the ambiance. Capturing a captivating intergalactic musical performance, this enchanting scene showcases the solitary robot drummer amidst a mesmerizing, futuristic backdrop. Playing the drums holding sticks and hiting drums at 90 BPM, In a Rock star style moving head back and forth, HD resolution.
3 Remixes
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